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Item PDCD4-bound mRNA profile in T lymphocytes(Universitätskinderklinik (HL, MB-W) und Institut für Genetik (DS, MZ), Medizinische Fakultät, OVGU Magdeburg, 2017) Lingel, Holger; Schanze, Denny; Zenker, Martin; Brunner-Weinzierl, MonikaThe blockade of inhibitory receptors such as CTLA-4 (CD152) is being used as immune-checkpoint therapy, offering a powerful strategy to restore effective immune responses against tumors. To determine signal components that are induced under the control of CTLA-4 we analyzed activated murine CD8+ T cells by quantitative proteomics. Accurate mass spectrometry revealed that CTLA-4 engagement led to central changes in the phosphorylation of proteins involved in T-cell differentiation. Beside other targets, we discovered a CTLA-4-mediated induction of the translational inhibitor programmed cell death-4 (PDCD4) as a result of FoxO1 nuclear re-localization. PDCD4 further bound a distinct set of mRNAs including Glutaminase, which points out a critical role for CTLA-4 in CD8+ T-cell metabolism. Consequently, PDCD4-deficient cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) expressed increased amounts of otherwise repressed effector molecules and ultimately led to superior control of tumor growth in vivo. These findings reveal a novel CTLA-4-mediated pathway to attenuate CTLs and indicate the importance of post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation of anti-tumor immune responses.Item Raw data from: T1-weighted in vivo human whole brain MRI dataset with an ultrahigh isotropic resolution of 250 μ m(Medizinische Fakultät, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2017) Lüsebrink, Falk; Sciarra, Alessandro; Mattern, Hendrik; Yakupov, Renat; Speck, OliverWe present an ultrahigh resolution in vivo human brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset. It consists of T1-weighted whole brain anatomical data acquired at 7 Tesla with a nominal isotropic resolution of 250 μm of a single young healthy Caucasian subject and was recorded using prospective motion correction. The raw data amounts to approximately 1.2 TB and was acquired in eight hours total scan time. The resolution of this dataset is far beyond any previously published in vivo structural whole brain dataset. Its potential use is to build an in vivo MR brain atlas. Methods for image reconstruction and image restoration can be improved as the raw data is made available. Pre-processing and segmentation procedures can possibly be enhanced for high magnetic field strength and ultrahigh resolution data. Furthermore, potential resolution induced changes in quantitative data analysis can be assessed, e.g., cortical thickness or volumetric measures, as high quality images with an isotropic resolution of 1 and 0.5 mm of the same subject are included in the repository as well.Item Universitätsbibliothek Magdeburg: Nutzerumfrage 2018(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2018) Ilg, Jens; Böhm, Nadine; Hillmann, Yvonne; Goetzmann, Angelika; Görges, Claudia; Kusian, Vivien; Strickrodt, Janice; Köppen, VeitVom 8. bis 21. Januar 2018 wurde an der Universitätsbibliothek der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (OVGU) eine Online-Nutzerumfrage durchgeführt. Dabei waren insbesondere die Angebote der UB sowohl in technischer, informationsvermittelnder und lernortorientierter Art im Fokus. Die Umfrage erfolgte in deutscher Sprache mit LimeSurvey. 1155 Antworten (Rücklaufquote=10,5%) sind Bestandteil des Datensatzes. 84 Attribute sind Bestandteil eines einzelnen Fragebogens nach Anonymisierung und Entfernung von Freitextantworten. Der Fragebogen richtete sich an Studierende der OVGU und wurde mittels eMail-Verteiler der Studierenden und Plakaten in der Universitätsbibliothek beworben. Die Auswertung erfolgte zunächst innerhalb der Universitätsbibliothek und führte zu Erkenntnissen hinsichtlich der Gestaltung von Angeboten aber auch zu einem Maßnahmenkatalog. Ebenfalls langfristig zu hebende Potentiale wurden aus der Datenanalyse ermittelt.Item Umfrage zu Open Access an der OVGU (ohne FME)(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2018-03) Matthes, Anja; Regener, Ralf; Köppen, VeitZur Einführung eines Open-Access-Fonds an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg und der gleichzeitigen Antragstellung bei der DFG wurde im Vorfeld eine Befragung aller Institute über die Open-Access-Aktivitäten durchgeführt. Die Umfrage erfolgte im Februar bis März an der OVGU mittels LimeSurvey. Es wurden jeweils zehn Fragen für die Jahre 2016 und 2017 zu den Publikationsaktivitäten erhoben. Die Ergebnisse flossen sowohl in die Antragstellung wie auch die Einrichtung eines universitären Publikationsfonds für das laufende Jahr ein. Die Rücklaufquote innerhalb der 8 beteiligten Fakultäten betrug 60 %. Die Daten der Institute der medizinischen Fakultät wurden dabei in aggregierter Form bereitgestellt und sind daher nicht Bestandteil der Datenpublikation. Ergebnis der Umfrage war die Etablierung eines Publikationsfonds im Jahr 2018 an der OVGU und einer erfolgreichen Antragstellung für eine DFG-Förderung in den Jahren 2019 und 2020 durch die Universitätsbibliothek.Item 2D MRI liver slices with navigator frames. A test data set for image based 4D MRI reconstruction(Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2019) Gulamhussene, Gino; Joeres, Fabian; Rak, Marko; Lübeck, Cindy; Pech, Maciej; Hansen, ChristianThis data contains 2D MRI slices of the abdomens of 13 healthy subjects and corresponding navigator slices as basis to reconstruct 4D MRIs of the breathing motion of the subjects abdomen. Contained is a total of 19 data sets.Item Impact of the Exhibition Tropic Ice - the connection between global human identity and the intention for collective actions(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2019) Lennart, VictorForschungsdaten zur Masterarbeit am Institut für Psychologie, Abteilung für UmweltpsychologieItem Aufenthaltsorte und Versammlungsteilnahmen Magdeburger Erzbischöfe von 968 bis 1142(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2019) Fütterer, PierreBegleitende Datenpublikation zum Aufsatz "Conventum celebrare et [...] convocare. Magdeburger Erzbischöfe als Teilnehmer und Ausrichter von Versammlungen der Herrscher mit den Großen (968-1142)" von Pierre Fütterer, der im Sammelband von Enno Bünz/Wolfgang Huschner (Hrsg.): 1050 Jahre Erzbistum Magdeburg (968–2018). Die Errichtung und Etablierung des Erzbistums im europäischen und regionalen Kontext (10.–12. Jahrhundert) (Italia Regia 6), Leipzig 2022, S. 299–321, erschienen ist. Enthalten sind Daten zum Beitrag als Tabelle, die sowohl die Aufenthaltsorte als auch die Versammlungsteilnahmen der Erzbischöfe von Magdeburg im Zeitraum 968 bis 1142 verzeichnet, und auf dieser Grundlage generierte Karten als PDF.Item Entwurf Notaufnahmeprotokoll V2020 - Datenelemente für Notaufnahmedokumentationssysteme Stand 27.11.2019(Medizinische Fakultät, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2019) Brammen, Dominik; Kulla, MartinDie Datenelemente für Notaufnahmedokumentationssysteme sind die Weiterentwicklung des Notaufnahmeprotokoll Datensatzes V2015.1. Diese Datendefinition definiert die Datenelemente, die während der innerklinischen Versorgung eines notfallmedizinischen Patienten in einer Notaufnahme / Notfallambulanz / Notfallzentrum erfolgt. Dabei werden externe Datenquellen wie präklinisches (prähospitales) Notfallprotokoll (z.B. Notarztprotokoll) oder Voranmeldungsdaten aus IVENA integriert. Primäres Ziel ist die medizinische Dokumentation zur Informationsweitergabe im Behandlungsverlauf. Sekundäres Ziel ist die Datenerhebung und Datenweiterleitung für Sekundärnutzer wie medizinische Register (TraumaRegister DGU, Reanimationsregister, Schlaganfallregister, Herzinfarktregister; AKTIN-NotaufnahmeRegister). Auf Basis der Datenelemente für Notalldokumentationssysteme sollen technische Artefakte wie Leitfäden für HL7 CDA oder HL7 FHIR entwickelt werden. Die Datenelemente sollen ebenfalls die Basis für Minimaldokumentationsdefinitionen (Minimaldatensätze) für spezifisch klinische Situationen in der innerklinischen Notfallmedizin darstellen, die noch entwickelt werden müssen.Item Behavioral and optogenetic analyses of reinforcement processing in larval Drosophila – Raw data(Medizinische Fakultät, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2020) Weiglein, AliceUnderstanding the complexity of reward processing in the brain is one of the major challenges in the contemporary neurosciences. Using Drosophila as a model organism and state-of-the-art genetic tools as well as behavioral paradigms, the study connected to the raw data files gives novel insights in reward processing and suggests timing-dependent valence reversal as an across-species principle.Item Instances for combined 3D Loading and Vehicle Routing Problems(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2020) Krebs, Corinna; Ehmke, Jan Fabian; Koch, HenrietteThe instance set deals with the Three-Dimensional Loading Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows ("3L-VRPTW"). In the dataset, necessary information for the consideration of time windows, vehicle capacity, axle weights, fragility and the load bearing strength is given.Item Spatial attention shifts to colored items - an EEG-based brain-computer interface(Medizinische Fakultät, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2020) Reichert, Christoph; Tellez Ceja, Igor F.; Dürschmid, StefanThis dataset has been released as a contribution to the Frontiers Research Topic "Datasets for Brain-Computer Interface Applications" Here we provide EEG (electroencephalogram) data recorded during BCI (brain-computer interface) control. The BCI was intended for the decoding of binary decisions from a series of visual stimuli. The decoding task is to determine to which of the simultaneously presented items the participant shifted his/her attention. By determining the visual field in which the target was presented, the subjectively selected target color, which was associated with a “yes”/”no” response, can be determined. 18 Participants were presented with a sequence of ten visual stimuli in which a red "x"-cross and a green "+"-cross were presented simultaneously in the opposite visual hemifields. Participants associated the green cross with the word "yes" and the red cross with the word "no" while responding to questions, which were shown on the screen beforehand. They communicated their response only by directing their attention to the respective cross, while fixating their visual gaze on a cross in the center of the screen. The size and eccentricity of the symbols varied between trials. The online decoded response was presented as feedback on the screen, showing the word "yes" or "no". Before the experiment started, eye movements were recorded to determine the relationship between EOG signal strength and shift of gaze angle. For this purpose, participants were asked to track a cross jumping to peripheral positions and back to the center.Item Data from: Comprehensive ultrahigh resolution whole brain in vivo MRI dataset as a human phantom(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2020) Lüsebrink, Falk; Mattern, Hendrik; Yakupov, Renat; Acosta-Cabronero, Julio; Ashtarayeh, Mohammad; Oeltze-Jafra, Steffen; Speck, OliverHere, we present an extension to our previously published structural ultrahigh resolution T1- weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset with an isotropic resolution of 250 µm, consisting of multiple additional ultrahigh resolution contrasts. Included are up to 150 µm Time-of-Flight angiography, an updated 250 µm structural T1-weighted reconstruction, 330 µm quantitative susceptibility mapping, up to 450 µm structural T2-weighted imaging, 700 µm T1-weighted back-to-back scans, 800 µm diffusion tensor imaging, one hour continuous resting-state functional MRI with an isotropic spatial resolution of 1.8 mm as well as more than 120 other structural T1-weighted volumes together with multiple corresponding proton density weighted acquisitions collected over ten years. All data are from the same participant and were acquired on the same 7 T scanner. The repository contains the unprocessed data as well as (pre-)processing results. The data were acquired in multiple studies with individual goals. This is a unique and comprehensive collection comprising a “human phantom” dataset. Therefore, we compiled, processed, and structured the data, making them publicly available for further investigation.Item Dataset for: Downside performance measures and the Sharpe ratio(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2020) Hoechner, Benedikt; Reichling, Peter; Schulze, Gordonln a mean-downside risk framework, portfolio lines that combine the market portfolio and the risk-free asset, i.e ., passive benchmark strategies, are non-linear if the target differs from the risk-free rate. ln this regard, downside risk-based performance measures assign different performance Ievels to passive strategies depending on the composition of the passive portfolio. The same applies for the evaluation of mutual funds. Therefore, we analyze the shape of portfolio lines for arbitrary targets above the risk-free rate in detail. We show that these portfolio lines can be characterized by the Kappa ratio with a target equal to the risk-free rate and, surprisingly, the Sharpe ratio. ln addition, we show that minimum-downside risk portfolios with varying target can be positioned on a straight line. This allows us to apply target-independent performance measures even if portfolio lines depend on the target set by the investor. We substantiate our analytical results with an empirical study.Item Instances for the Axle Weight Constraint in Combined Vehicle Routing and 3D Loading Problems(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2021) Krebs, Corinna; Ehmke, Jan FabianThese instance sets deal with Vehicle Routing Problems combined with 3D Loading ("3L-CVRP"), where necessary information for the consideration of axle weights are added.Item 2.5D Thermometry Maps for MRI-guided Tumor Ablation(Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2021) Alpers, Julian; Reimert, Daniel; Rötzer, Maximilian; Gerlach, Thomas; Gutberlet, Marcel; Wacker, Frank; Hensen, Bennet; Hansen, ChristianFast and reliable monitoring of volumetric heat distribution during MRI-guided tumor ablation is an urgent clinical need. In this work, we introduce a method for generating 2.5D thermometry maps from uniformly distributed 2D MRI phase images rotated around the applicator’s main axis. The images can be fetched directly from the MR device, reducing the delay between image acquisition and visualization. For reconstruction, we use a weighted interpolation on a cylindric coordinate representation to calculate the heat value of voxels in a region of interest. A pilot study on 13 ex vivo bio protein phantoms with flexible tubes to simulate a heat sink effect was conducted to evaluate our method. After thermal ablation, we compared the measured coagulation zone extracted from the post-treatment MR data set with the output of the 2.5D thermometry map. The results show a mean Dice score of 0.75±0.07, a sensitivity of 0.77±0.03, and a reconstruction time within18.02ms±5.91ms. Future steps should address improving temporal resolution and accuracy, e.g., incorporating advanced bioheat transfer simulations.Item Data and analysis scripts for "Unbiased post-error slowing in interference tasks: A confound and a simple solution(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2021) Derrfuss, Jan; Danielmeier, Claudia; Klein, Tilmann A.; Fischer, Adrian G.; Ullsperger, MarkusWe typically slow down after committing an error, an effect termed post-error slowing (PES). Traditionally, PES has been calculated by subtracting post-correct from post-error RTs. Dutilh and colleagues (2012), however, showed PES values calculated in this way are potentially biased. Therefore, they proposed to compute robust PES scores by subtracting pre-error RTs from post-error RTs. Based on data from a large-scale study using the flanker task, we show that both traditional and robust PES estimates can be biased. The source of the bias are differential imbalances in the percentage of congruent vs. incongruent post-correct, pre-error and post-error trials. Specifically, we found that post-correct, pre-error and post-error trials were more likely to be congruent than incongruent, with the size of the imbalance depending on the trial type as well as the length of the response-stimulus interval (RSI). In our study, for trials preceded by a 700-ms RSI, the percentages of congruent trials were 62% for post-correct trials, 66% for pre-error trials and 56% for post-error trials. Relative to unbiased estimates, these imbalances inflated traditional PES estimates by 37% (9 ms) and robust PES estimates by 42% (16 ms) when individual-participant means were calculated. When individual-participant medians were calculated, the biases were even more pronounced (40% and 50% inflation, respectively). To obtain unbiased PES scores for interference tasks, we propose to compute unweighted individual-participant means by initially calculating mean RTs for congruent and incongruent trials separately, before averaging congruent and incongruent mean RTs to calculate means for post-correct, pre-error and post-error trials.Item 2D MRI liver slices with navigator frames. A training and test data set for image based 4D MRI reconstruction. (Part II)(Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2021) Gulamhussene, Gino; Meyer, Anneke; Rak, Marko; Lübeck, Cindy; Omari, Jazan; Pech, Maciej; Hansen, ChristianThis data contains fully anonymized MRI data of the abdomens of 20 healthy subjects as basis to reconstruct 4D MRIs of the breathing motion of the subjects’ abdomen. This data publication uses the same protocol and is a continuation (part 2) of the data publication “2D MRI liver slices with navigator frames. A test data set for image based 4D MRI reconstruction” ( Supplementary data for “Optimization-Based Tuning of a Hybrid UKF State Estimator with Tire Model Adaption for an All Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle”(Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, 2021) Heidfeld, Hannes; Schünemann, MartinNovel drivetrain concepts such as electric direct drives can improve vehicle dynamic control due to faster, more accurate, and more flexible generation of wheel individual propulsion and braking torques. Exact and robust estimation of vehicle state of motion in the presence of unknown disturbances, such as changes in road conditions, is crucial for realization of such control systems. This article shows the design, tuning, implementation, and test of a state estimator with individual tire model adaption for direct drive electric vehicles. The vehicle dynamics are modeled using a double-track model with an adaptive tire model. State-of-the-art sensors, an inertial measurement unit, steering angle, wheel speed, and motor current sensors are used as measurements. Due to the nonlinearity of the vehicle model, an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is used for simultaneous state and parameter estimation. To simplify the difficult task of UKF tuning, an optimization-based method using real-vehicle data is utilized. The UKF is implemented on an electronic control unit and tested with real-vehicle data in a hardware-in-the-loop simulation. High precision even in severe driving maneuvers under various road conditions is achieved. Nonlinear state and parameter estimation for all wheel drive electric vehicles using UKF and optimization-based tuning is shown to provide high precision with minimal manual tuning effort.Item Supplementary data to: An open numerical model for the investigation of flow environments as experienced by freshwater fish(Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2022) Khan, Ali Hassan; Ruiz Hussmann, Karla; Powalla, Dennis; Hoerner, Stefan; Kruusmaaa, Maarja; Tuhtan, Jeffrey A.This data set comprises the supplementary materials of a benchmark case of the flow around a fish shaped body for numerical ecohydraulic and biological studies including a validated numerical model. The set comprises both experimental and numerical data. Flow measurements of a 3D printed fish shaped body were conducted with a 2D LDA device. The data set also includes a computational fluid dynamics model validated against the LDA data. The numerical model is based on the open source software tool OpenFOAM. All settings for experiments and the simulation case file are included for further research.Item LAMM - Learning Analytics Metadata Model(Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2022) Wolff, Ian; Broneske, David; Köppen, VeitResearch data management is an emerging topic in all sciences. In this work, we introduce a metadata model called LAMM – Learning Analytics Metadata Model – for learning analytics. We derived metadata entities, by conducting a literature review in the special learning analytics field on observing collaborative programming scenarios, and together with researchers from our project context from three different universities. The main focus lies on the subject-specific metadata entities, to describe the learning analytics data provenance and learning process measurement in detail to increase third-party researcher reusability for learning analytics datasets. The result of the Version 0.1 takes metadata entities of existing metadata standards into consideration and provides the opportunity besides general descriptive metadata, to describe the learning-analytics-specific entities environment, learner, measurement instrument and learning-process-measurement and gives the option to link datasets with other related research.