Supplementary data to: Simultaneous Flow Measurement and Deformation Tracking for Passive Flow Control Experiments Involving Fluid-Structure Interactions
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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
This dataset encompasses original scripts utilized in the masking process of an adaptable hydrofoil as well as generating synthetic data, used for probing the sensitivity of key parameters under a variety of experimental conditions. The dataset further includes a small subset of 100 sample images, to aid in verifying the efficacy and accuracy of the algorithm. The data was collected in 2017 by Dr. Stefan Hoerner at the Laboratory of Geophysical and Industrial Flows (LEGI), University Grenoble-Alpes.
The dataset comprises a readme file detailing each script's function, a requirements file
for setting up a Python virtual environment with Anaconda, and 100 high-speed frame
images. It also includes a corresponding position feedback file, produced from the
pitching servo-motor's feedback. The recorded angles reflect the instantaneous pitch
angle of the section from the leading edge to the pivot point at 0.25C. This section is
made of aluminum, differing from the remainder of the foil, which is flexible and made
from a carbon fiber sheet embedded in silicone.
Python 3 and associated libaries,
Experimental fluid mechanics (PIV)
Fluid-structure interaction, Deformation tracking, PIV, Masking, NACA0018 hydrofoil, Passive Flow Control